
As-Easy-As for DOS and As-Easy-As for Windows was a shareware 32-bit spreadsheet program developed in the mid-1980s for MS-DOS and later for MS Windows. The name is a play on the phrase "as easy as 1-2-3", a reference to the dominant MS-DOS spreadsheet at that time, Lotus 1-2-3 with which it competed for a fraction of the contender's price. The program was sold by Trius, Inc..


As-Easy-As is historically significant as one of the earliest and most useful shareware programs that competed with commercial software on the basis of both price and features. For small businesses and personal users, the price of Lotus 1-2-3 was prohibitive, and As-Easy-As provided basic spreadsheet functionality for about a tenth of the price. This paradigm of undercutting the spreadsheet market leader would be adopted by Borland's Quattro Pro. Subsequent versions of As Easy As became as powerful as any MS-DOS spreadsheet. Like Quattro Pro, As-Easy-As combined some elements of the 1-2-3 user interface, while modernizing them.
Cell formulas are very similar to Lotus 1-2-3, including the letter-number addressing scheme and the @function syntax
The product included a detailed electronic manual describing the spreadsheet's functions and some basic MS-DOS operations.
Updated versions of As-Easy-As were made available at frequent intervals. Because these new versions often included valuable new capabilities, users were encouraged to support the continuing development of the program. The graphic defaults were more attuned to science and engineering users than to business users. This enabled a user to rapidly create x-y graphs of data, whereas the major commercial spreadsheets of the DOS era by default produced more business-oriented graphs. Many calculation functions were appealing to the science and engineering markets, such as improved capabilities for regression analysis and matrix operations.

End of development

, Trius discontinued the last version of As-Easy-As for DOS, and as of 2006, the last version of As-Easy-As for Windows, though copies of both program were made available for downloading with free full licenses.
The earliest preserved historical version available on the Internet from the MS-DOS shareware era is version 3 from 1987.


Some of the awards As-Easy-As received include: