Arthur Christopoulos

Arthur Christopoulos is an Australian Professor of Analytical Pharmacology at Monash University. He is the recipient of numerous national and international awards, including the 2013 John J. Abel Award from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and the Rand Medal from the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists, the 2014 IUPHAR Analytical Pharmacology Lecturer, a 2015 Doctor of Laws from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, the 2016 recipient of the Gaddum Memorial Award from the British Pharmacological Society and the 2016 GSK Award for Research Excellence. Since 2014, Clarivate Analytics have annually named him a Highly Cited Researcher in Pharmacology and Toxicology. In 2017 he was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and in 2018 he was elected as a Councillor of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and a Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society. In 2019 he was appointed Dean of Monash University’s Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Early life

Christopoulos obtained a Bachelor of Pharmacy and his PhD from the Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University, and subsequently pursued postdoctoral studies in the Department of Neuroscience Research in Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, prior to returning to Australia to establish his laboratory within the Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne. In 2006, he moved to Monash University and holds joint appointments in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.


Arthur Christopoulos’ research focuses on allosteric mechanisms of drug action and signal-pathway ‘biased’ agonism at G protein-coupled receptors – the largest class of drug targets - and incorporates molecular pharmacology, computational and mathematical modeling, medicinal chemistry, structural and chemical biology, and animal models of behavior. He has served on the Editorial Board of several scientific journals, including Molecular Pharmacology, the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Pharmacological Reviews, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, the British Journal of Pharmacology and ACS Pharmacology and Translational Sciences. Prior to taking up his current position as Dean, Professor Christopoulos held a Senior Principal Research Fellowship of the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.

Selected Works