Arrondissement of Dinan

The arrondissement of Dinan is an arrondissement of France in the Côtes-d'Armor department in the Brittany region. It has 67 communes. Its population is 102,698, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Dinan, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Aucaleuc
  2. Beaussais-sur-Mer
  3. Bobital
  4. Bourseul
  5. Broons
  6. Brusvily
  7. Calorguen
  8. Caulnes
  9. Les Champs-Géraux
  10. La Chapelle-Blanche
  11. Corseul
  12. Créhen
  13. Dinan
  14. Évran
  15. Fréhel
  16. Guenroc
  17. Guitté
  18. Le Hinglé
  19. Lancieux
  20. Landébia
  21. La Landec
  22. Langrolay-sur-Rance
  23. Languédias
  24. Languenan
  25. Lanvallay
  26. Matignon
  27. Mégrit
  28. Plancoët
  29. Pléboulle
  30. Plélan-le-Petit
  31. Pleslin-Trigavou
  32. Pleudihen-sur-Rance
  33. Pléven
  34. Plévenon
  35. Plorec-sur-Arguenon
  36. Plouasne
  37. Plouër-sur-Rance
  38. Pluduno
  39. Plumaudan
  40. Plumaugat
  41. Quévert
  42. Le Quiou
  43. Ruca
  44. Saint-André-des-Eaux
  45. Saint-Carné
  46. Saint-Cast-le-Guildo
  47. Saint-Hélen
  48. Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer
  49. Saint-Jouan-de-l'Isle
  50. Saint-Judoce
  51. Saint-Juvat
  52. Saint-Lormel
  53. Saint-Maden
  54. Saint-Maudez
  55. Saint-Méloir-des-Bois
  56. Saint-Michel-de-Plélan
  57. Saint-Pôtan
  58. Saint-Samson-sur-Rance
  59. Taden
  60. Trébédan
  61. Tréfumel
  62. Trélivan
  63. Tréméreuc
  64. Trévron
  65. La Vicomté-sur-Rance
  66. Vildé-Guingalan
  67. Yvignac-la-Tour


The arrondissement of Dinan was created in 1800. At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Côtes-d'Armor, it lost 25 communes to the arrondissement of Saint-Brieuc.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Dinan were, as of January 2015:
  1. Broons
  2. Caulnes
  3. Collinée
  4. Dinan-Est
  5. Dinan-Ouest
  6. Évran
  7. Jugon-les-Lacs
  8. Matignon
  9. Merdrignac
  10. Plancoët
  11. Plélan-le-Petit
  12. Ploubalay