Arrondissement of Cognac

The arrondissement of Cognac is an arrondissement of France in the Charente department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. It has 110 communes. Its population is 99,987, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Cognac, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Ambleville
  2. Angeac-Champagne
  3. Angeac-Charente
  4. Angeduc
  5. Ars
  6. Baignes-Sainte-Radegonde
  7. Barbezieux-Saint-Hilaire
  8. Barret
  9. Bassac
  10. Bécheresse
  11. Bellevigne
  12. Berneuil
  13. Birac
  14. Boisbreteau
  15. Bonneuil
  16. Bors-de-Baignes
  17. Bourg-Charente
  18. Bouteville
  19. Boutiers-Saint-Trojan
  20. Bréville
  21. Brie-sous-Barbezieux
  22. Brossac
  23. Challignac
  24. Champagne-Vigny
  25. Champmillon
  26. Chantillac
  27. Chassors
  28. Châteaubernard
  29. Châteauneuf-sur-Charente
  30. Cherves-Richemont
  31. Chillac
  32. Cognac
  33. Condéon
  34. Coteaux du Blanzacais
  35. Courbillac
  36. Criteuil-la-Magdeleine
  37. Douzat
  38. Échallat
  39. Étriac
  40. Fleurac
  41. Foussignac
  42. Genac-Bignac
  43. Gensac-la-Pallue
  44. Genté
  45. Gimeux
  46. Graves-Saint-Amant
  47. Guimps
  48. Guizengeard
  49. Hiersac
  50. Houlette
  51. Jarnac
  52. Javrezac
  53. Juillac-le-Coq
  54. Julienne
  55. Lachaise
  56. Ladiville
  57. Lagarde-sur-le-Né
  58. Lignières-Sonneville
  59. Louzac-Saint-André
  60. Mainxe-Gondeville
  61. Marcillac-Lanville
  62. Mareuil
  63. Mérignac
  64. Merpins
  65. Mesnac
  66. Les Métairies
  67. Mons
  68. Montmérac
  69. Mosnac
  70. Moulidars
  71. Nercillac
  72. Oriolles
  73. Passirac
  74. Pérignac
  75. Reignac
  76. Réparsac
  77. Rouillac
  78. Saint-Amant-de-Nouère
  79. Saint-Aulais-la-Chapelle
  80. Saint-Bonnet
  81. Saint-Brice
  82. Saint-Cybardeaux
  83. Sainte-Sévère
  84. Sainte-Souline
  85. Saint-Félix
  86. Saint-Fort-sur-le-Né
  87. Saint-Genis-d'Hiersac
  88. Saint-Laurent-de-Cognac
  89. Saint-Médard
  90. Saint-Même-les-Carrières
  91. Saint-Palais-du-Né
  92. Saint-Preuil
  93. Saint-Simeux
  94. Saint-Simon
  95. Saint-Sulpice-de-Cognac
  96. Saint-Vallier
  97. Salles-d'Angles
  98. Salles-de-Barbezieux
  99. Sauvignac
  100. Segonzac
  101. Sigogne
  102. Le Tâtre
  103. Touvérac
  104. Triac-Lautrait
  105. Val-d'Auge
  106. Val-des-Vignes
  107. Vaux-Rouillac
  108. Verrières
  109. Vibrac
  110. Vignolles


The arrondissement of Cognac was created in 1800. On 1 January 2008 the canton of Rouillac that previously belonged to the arrondissement of Angoulême was added to the arrondissement of Cognac. At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Charente, it gained 14 communes from the arrondissement of Angoulême, and it lost two communes to the arrondissement of Angoulême.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Cognac were, as of January 2015:
  1. Baignes-Sainte-Radegonde
  2. Barbezieux-Saint-Hilaire
  3. Brossac
  4. Châteauneuf-sur-Charente
  5. Cognac-Nord
  6. Cognac-Sud
  7. Jarnac
  8. Rouillac
  9. Segonzac
