Army Cadet League of Canada

The Army Cadet League of Canada is the civilian non-profit organization which works with the Department of National Defense to support the Royal Canadian Army Cadet program. It was founded in 1971 with a branch in every province and one for the northern region. The ACLC consists of several levels from the national council to local support committees.


The Cadet Services of Canada was part of the Army reserve and a member of the Canadian Defense Association, which had a major influence on the cadet movement. With the integration of the armed forces in the 1970s and the already operating Air Cadet League and Navy League, it placed pressure on the army component to create a new league to represent the Army Cadet program and its sponsors. On 1 April 1971, the Army Cadet League of Canada was formed, as a replacement for the Cadet Services of Canada.


It encouraged army cadets to become better Canadians through citizenship and leadership training. The national branch ensures with the help of the provincial and local branches the funding of transportation, accommodations and training not funded by DND, for 450 Canadian army cadet corps.


The purpose of the ACLC is work with DND to reach the goals of the cadet movement, with a primary focus on the army cadet portion.
The ACLC's objectives are listed as such;
  1. Protect the overall interests of the Army Cadet League of Canada.
  2. Encourage and promote national interest in and support for Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
  3. Provide and supervise local sponsors.
  4. Co-ordinate and influence effective support for army cadet corps at all levels.
  5. Facilitate and recommend the formation of army cadet corps.
  6. Assist in the recruitment of cadet instructors and cadets.
  7. Encourage the development of an army cadet program which is adventure-oriented, challenging, consistent with the aims and objectives of the army cadets, and relevant to present society.
  8. Collect, receive, hold and invest funds and property received from contributions, gifts, grants, subscriptions or legacies, and, subject to the donor's direction, use such funds for the benefit of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets.
