Armandinho (Brazilian guitarist)

Armandinho is a Brazilian composer and singer. He was born in Salvador, the son of Osmar Macêdo, from the world's first trio elétrico, the Trio Elétrico de Dodô e Osmar. In his early career, he played in his bands Trio Elétrico Mirim in 1962 and Hell's Angels in 1967.
In 1970, he formed A Cor do Som with bassist/vocalist Dadi, keyboardist/vocalist Mú Carvalho, percussionist/vocalist Ary Dias and drummer Gustavo Schroeter. They performed in Montreux Jazz Festival had some hits with "Beleza pura", "Abri a porta", "Zanzibar", etc.
Since then, Armandinho has recorded and performed with musicians such as Raphael Rabello, Paulo Moura, Época de Ouro, Moraes Moreira, Pepeu Gomes, as well as his own group, the Trio Elétrico de Armandinho.


Solo albums