French Air Force
The French Air Force is the air force of the French Armed Forces. It was formed in 1909 as the Service Aéronautique, a service arm of the French Army, and then made an independent military arm in 1934. The number of aircraft in service with the French Air Force varies depending on the source, however sources from the French Ministry of Defence give a figure of 658 aircraft in 2014. The French Air Force has 225 combat aircraft in service, with the majority being 117 Dassault Mirage 2000 and 108 Dassault Rafale. As of early 2017, the French Air Force employs a total of 41,160 regular personnel. The reserve element of the air force consisted of 5,187 personnel of the Operational Reserve.
The Chief of Staff of the French Air Force is a direct subordinate of the Chief of the Defence Staff.
President Emmanuel Macron has stated the intent to rename the French Air Force into the Air and Space Force, in recognition of the increasing importance of the space domain.
French military aviation was born in 1909. After the approval of the law establishing it by the French National Assembly on 29 March 1912, French military aeronautics officially became part of the French Army, alongside the four traditional branches of the French Army, the infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineers., flying over German held territory, 1915
France was one of the first states to start building aircraft. At the beginning of World War I, France had a total of 148 planes and 15 airships. By the time of the armistice of 11 November 1918, France had 3,608 planes in service. 5,500 pilots and observers were killed out of the 17,300 engaged in the conflict, amounting to 31% of endured losses. A 1919 newspaper article reported that the French Air Force had a 61% percent war loss.
Military aeronautics was established as a "special arm" by the law of 8 December 1922. However, it remained under the auspices of the French Army. It was not until 2 July 1934, that the "special arm" became an independent service and was totally independent.
Interwar period
The initial air arm was the cradle of French military parachuting, responsible for the first formation of the Air Infantry Groups in the 1930s, out of which the Air Parachute Commandos descended.The French Air Force maintained a continuous presence across the French colonial empire, particularly from the 1920s to 1943.
World War II
The French Air Force played an important role in WWII, most notably during the Battle of France in 1940. The engagement of the Free French Air Forces from 1940 to 1943, then the engagement of the aviators of the French Liberation Army, were also important episodes of the history of the French Air Force. The sacrifices of Commandant René Mouchotte and Lieutenant Marcel Beau illustrated their devotion.The Vichy French Air Force had a significant presence in the French Levant.
After 1945, France rebuilt its aircraft industry. The French Air Force participated in several colonial wars during the Empire such as French Indochina after the Second World War. Since 1945, the French Air Force was notably engaged in Indochina.The French Air Force was active in Algeria from 1952 until 1962 and Suez, later Mauritania and Chad, the Persian Gulf, ex-Yugoslavia and more recently in Afghanistan, Mali and Iraq.
From 1964 until 1971 the French Air Force had the unique responsibility for the French nuclear arm via Dassault Mirage IV or ballistic missiles of Air Base 200 Apt-Saint-Christol on the Plateau d'Albion.
pictured in 1980 armed with a Matra R.530
Accordingly, from 1962, the French political leadership reprioritized its military emphasis on nuclear deterrence, implementing a complete reorganisation of the Air Force, with the creation of four air regions and seven major specialised commands, among which were the Strategic Air Forces Command, COTAM, the Air Command of Aerial Defense Forces, and the Force aérienne tactique. In 1964 the Second Tactical Air Command was created at Nancy to take command of air units stationed in France but not assigned to NATO. The Military Air Transport Command had previously been formed in February 1962 from the Groupement d'Unités Aériennes Spécialisées. Also created in 1964 was the Escadron des Fusiliers Commandos de l'Air, seemingly grouping all FCA units. The Dassault Mirage IV, the principal French strategic bomber, was designed to strike Soviet positions as part of the French nuclear triad.
In 1985, the Air Force had four major flying commands, the Strategic Air Forces Command, the Tactical Air Forces Command, the Military Air Transport Command, and CAFDA.
and another Mirage of Escadron de Chasse 3/30 Lorraine, armed with Matra R530. Both respective squadron insignias are visible on the aircraft.
CFAS had two squadrons of S2 and S-3 IRBMs at the Plateau d'Albion, six squadrons of Mirage IVAs, and three squadrons of C-135F, as well as a training/reconnaissance unit, CIFAS 328, at Bordeaux. The tactical air command included wings EC 3, EC 4, EC 7, EC 11, EC 13, and ER 33, with a total of 19 squadrons of Mirage III, Jaguars, two squadrons flying the Mirage 5F, and a squadron flying the Mirage F.1CR. CoTAM counted 28 squadrons, of which ten were fixed-wing transport squadrons, and the remainder helicopter and liaison squadrons, at least five of which were overseas. CAFDA numbered 14 squadrons mostly flying the Mirage F.1C. Two other commands had flying units, the Air Force Training Command, and the Air Force Transmissions Command, with four squadrons and three trials units.
Dassault Aviation led the way mainly with delta-wing designs, which formed the basis for the Dassault Mirage III series of fighter jets. The Mirage demonstrated its abilities in the Six-Day War, Yom Kippur War, the Falklands War, and the Gulf War, becoming one of the most popular jet fighters of its day, selling very widely.
In 1994 the Commandment of the Fusiliers Commandos de l'Air was reestablished under a different form.
The French Air Force is expanding and replacing its aircraft inventory. The Air Force is awaiting the Airbus A400M military transport aircraft, which is in development. As of November 2016, 11 A400M aircraft had been delivered to ET00.061 at Orleans-Bricy, and integration of the new Dassault Rafale multi-role jet fighter was underway, whose first squadron of 20 aircraft became operational in 2006 at Saint-Dizier.
In 2009 France rejoined the NATO Military Command Structure, having been absent since 1966. France was a leading nation, alongside the United States, Great Britain and Italy in implementing the UN sponsored no-fly zone in Libya, deploying 20 fighter aircraft to Benghazi in defense of rebel held positions and the civilian population.
The last remaining squadron of Dassault Mirage F1s were retired in July 2014 and replaced by the Dassault Rafale.
On 13 July 2019, President Emmanuel Macron announced the creation of a space command within the French Air Force by September 2019, and the transformation of the French Air Force into the French Air and Space Force. According to Defense Minister Florence Parly, France reserves the right to arm French satellites with lasers for defensive purposes.
The Chief of Staff of the French Air Force determines French Air Force doctrines application and advises the Chief of the Defence Staff on the deployment, manner, and use of the Air Force. He is responsible for the preparation and logistic support of the French Air Force. The CEMAA is assisted by a Deputy Chief, the Major Général de l'Armée de l'Air. Finally, the CEMAA is assisted by the Inspectorate of the French Air Force and by the French Air Force Health Service Inspection.The Air Force is organized in conformity to Chapter 4/ Title II/ Book II of the Third Part of the Defense Code, which replaced decree n° 91-672 of 14 July 1991.
Under the authority of the Chief of Staff of the French Air Force in Paris, the Air Force includes:
- Chief of Staff of the French Air Force, heading the Etat-major de l'Armee de l'air ;
- Forces;
- Air Bases;
- Directorate of Human Resources of the French Air Force;
- Services.
The French Air Force has three commands: two grand operational commands and one organic command ).- Air Defense and Air Operations Command, is responsible for surveillance of French airspace, as well as all aerial operations in progress. This command does not possess aircraft. Instead it exercises operational control over units of the Air Forces Command.
- *Air Defence and Air Operations Staff composed of the:
- **Air Force Operational Staff and the
- **Permanent readiness command center, both situated at the Balard complex
- **directly reporting units:
- ***Air Force Operations Brigade
- ****National Air Operations Center
- ****Core Joint Force Air Component HQ
- ****Operational Center for Military Surveillance of Space Objects
- ****Analysis and Simulation Center for Air Operations Preparation
- ***Air Force Operational Awareness and Planning Brigade
- ****Air Force Intelligence Center at BA 942 Lyon-Mont Verdun air base
- ****National Target Designation Center at BA 110 Creil-Senlis air base
- ****Satellite Observation Military Center 01.092 "Bourgogne" at BA 110 Creil-Senlis air base
- ****Land-based Electronic Warfare Squadron at BA 123 Orléans-Bricy air base
- ****Intelligence Training Squadron 20.530 , training air force and naval officers, integrated in the Joint Intelligence Training Center in Strasbourg
- **territorial units:
- ***Detection and Control Center 07.927 Tours – Cinq-Mars-la-Pile
- ***Detection and Control Center 04.930 Mont-de-Marsan
- ***Detection and Control Center 05.942 Lyon – Mont Verdun
- ***Detection and Control Center 05.901 Drachenbronn – disbanded in 2015, functions absorbed into the Lyon – Mont Verdun DCC
- Strategic Air Forces Command ), is responsible for the air force's nuclear strike units, as well as the tanker / strategic transport aircraft.
- Air Forces Command ), Bordeaux-Mérignac Air Base, as an organic command, prepares units to fulfill operational missions. From September 2013, the former organic commands CFA and CSFA were merged into CFA. CFA is organized in six brigades:
- *Fighter Brigade –, is responsible for all air defense, air-to-ground and reconnaissance aircraft. In February 2016 it was commanded by Brigadier General Philippe Lavigne.
- * Projection and Support Air Force Brigade, is responsible for all tactical transport and liaison aircraft ;
- * Airspace Control Brigade, is responsible for. Since 2007 the command, control and information systems network of the air force have been is integrated into the Joint Directorate of Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems ).
- * Air Force Security and Intervention Forces Brigade, is responsible for units of the French Air Force's commando riflemen, amongst which the most elite is the Air Force Parachute Commando n° 10, C.P.A 10 and detachments ) and the rescue and firefighting personnel ;
- * Air Force Aerial Weapon Systems Brigade provides the maintenance and repair of aerial weapons and target systems.
- * Air Force Maneuver Support Brigade provides the ground-based engineer and logistics personnel needed for the sustainment of air operations.
All air regions were disestablished on 1 January 2008. In the 1960s, there were five air regions. The number was then reduced to four by a decree of 30 June 1962 with the disestablishment of the 5th Aerial Region. The decree of 14 July 1991 reduced the air regions to three: « RA Atlantic », « RA Mediterranean » and « RA North-East ». On 1 July 2000 was placed into effect an organization consisting of « RA North » and « RA South ». The territorial division was abolished by decree n°2007-601 of 26 April 2007.
From 2008 to 2010 the French Air Force underwent the "Air 2010" streamlining process. The main targets of this project were to simplify the command structure, to regroup all military and civil air force functions and to rationalise and optimise all air force units. Five major commands, were formed, instead of the former 13, and several commands and units were disbanded.
The Air Force directs the Joint Space Command.
Support services
The Directorate of Human Resources of the Air Force recruits, forms, manages administers and converts personnel of the French Air Force. Since January 2008, the DRH-AA groups the former directorate of military personnel of the French Air Force and some tasks of the former Air Force Training Command. The directorate is responsible for Air Force recruitment via the recruiting bureau.French joint defence service organisations, supporting the air force, include:
- The Integrated Structure of Maintaining Operational Conditioning of Aeronautical Defense Materials .
- The Aeronautical Industrial Service .
- The " Air Commissariat " between 1947 and 2007, then " Financial and General Administration Service " from 2008 until 2009, and finally the " Commissariat Service of the Armed Forces " since 2010, have successively been designated as administrative services of the French Air Force. The Commissioners as well as Civilians of this service carry out : operations support, individual legal rights, judicial, internal control accountability, financial and purchase executions, and support and protection of the combatant.
- units generally equipped with the same type of aircraft or at least assuring the same type of mission
- units of maintenance and support.
Four Escadres were reformed in the first phase:
- 31e Escadre Aérienne de Ravitaillement et de Transport Stratégiques at Istres-Le Tubé Air Base on 27 August 2014;
- 36e Escadre de Commandement et de Conduite Aéroportée at Avord Air Base on 5 September 2014;
- Escadre Sol-Air de Défense Aérienne – 1er Régiment d'Artillerie de l'Air at Avord Air Base ;
- the 3e Escadre de Chasse at Nancy-Ochey Air Base
- the 8e Escadre de Chasse at Cazaux Air Base ;
- the 4e Escadre de Chasse at Saint-Dizier
- the 64e Escadre de Transport at Évreux-Fauville Air Base ;
- the 2e Escadre de Chasse at Luxeuil Air Base ;
- the 61e Escadre de Transport at Orléans – Bricy Air Base ;
- the 30e Escadre de Chasse at Mont-de-Marsan Air Base.
The French Air Force announced in August 2015 that unit numbering, moves of affected aircraft, and the transfer of historic material would be completed in 2016.
- the 62e Escadre de Transport''' was re-constituted at Orléans – Bricy Air Base on 5 September 2017 taking over C-130 Hercules operations from 61e Escadre de Transport, so the latter can specialise in operating the A400M Atlas.
Squadrons and flights
A fighter squadron can number some twenty machines, spread in general in three Escadrilles. A Transport Escadron can theoretically count a dozen Transall C-160, however, numbers are usually much less for heavier aircraft.
The squadrons have retained the designations of the former Escadres disbanded during the 1990s. For instance: Transport Escadron 1/64 Béarn , which belonged to the 64th Transport Escadre during the dissolution of the later. Not all escadrons are necessarily attached to an Escadre.
The Escadrille has both an administrative and operational function, even of the essential operational control is done at the level of the Esacdron. A pilot is assigned to the Escadrille, however the equipment and material devices, on the other hand, are assigned to the Escadron. Since the putting into effect of the ESTA, material devices and the mechanics are assigned directly to the base then put at disposition of the based Escadrons.
The Escadrilles adopted the traditions of the prestigious units out of which most, are those traditions of the First World War.
Fusiliers Commandos de l'Air
The Fusiliers Commandos de l'Air comprise:- Protection squadrons
- Air Parachute Commando 10
- Air Parachute Commando 20
- Air Parachute Commando 30
The CPAs carry out common missions, as well as specialized tasks; including intervention and reinforcement of protection at the profit of sensible points " air " inside and outside the national territory.
Flying activity in France is carried out by a network of bases, platforms and French air defence radar systems. It is supported by bases, which are supervised and maintained by staff, centres of operations, warehouses, workshops, and schools. Both in France and abroad, bases have similar infrastructure to provide standardised support.The French Air Force has, as of 1 August 2014:
- Within the metropolitan territory of France, 27 airbases, out of the which 18 aeronautical platform with perceived runways and 5 Bases non-platform, two schools, 3 air detachments and " one attached air element ".
- Beyond the metropole/Europe, 7 Aerial Bases or permanent detachments in overseas or country.
As swift as the French Air Force operates, the closure of aerial bases is more constant and immediate, having known a strong acceleration since the 1950s. An airbase commander has authority over all units stationed on his base. Depending on the units tasks this means that he is responsible for approximately 600 to 2500 personnel.
On average, a base, made up of about 1500 personnel, provides a yearly economic boost to its area of about 60 million euros. Consequently, determining the sites for air bases constitutes a major part of regional planning.
- BA 105 Évreux-Fauville Air Base. Command, operational and logistic support. Air transport units with 27× CASA CN-235M, 18× Transall C-160 NG and 4× Mirage 2000-5F to defend Paris.
- Vélizy – Villacoublay Air Base. Helicopter and heavy air transport units.
- Saint-Dizier – Robinson Air Base 4e Escadre de Chasse, Escadron de Chasse 01-007 "Provence" with the new Dassault Rafale C, and EC 1/4 "Gascogne", a conventional/nuclear strike squadron with Dassault Rafale B.
- Luxeuil Air Base. Air defence fighter base with 24× Mirage 2000-5F.
- Orléans – Bricy Air Base. Air transport units with 17× A400M Atlas and 18× C-130 Hercules. CFPSAA operational command.
- Nancy - Ochey Air Base. Three strike fighter squadrons units with 70× Mirage 2000D, SAM sqns.
- Châteaudun Air Base. Airplane maintenance, repair and storage airbase.
- Avord Air Base. CFAS nuclear strike stockpile. AWACS 4× E-3F Sentry unit. Inflight refueling C-135FR unit.
- BA 705 Tours airbase. Fighter pilot training school were equipped with Alpha Jet. BA 705 was closed.
- DA 273 Romorantin air detachment. Logistic unit.
- Air Base 106 Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport. Transport support base for the air staff.
- Air Base 115 Orange-Caritat. Air defence escadron de chasse 02.005 Île-de-France equipped with 12× Mirage 2000C and transition squadron equipped with 7× Mirage 2000B.
- Air Base 118 Mont-de-Marsan Air Base. The base is home to two squadrons Rafale B and Rafale C. Home of CEAM, the Air Force military experimentation and trials organisation, Air defence radar command reporting centre, instruction centre for air defence control.
- Air Base 120 Cazaux, situated South-west of the port city of Bordeaux. Fighter pilot training squadron equipped with Alpha Jet. Air force airplane stockpile.
- Air Base 125 Istres. Conventional/nuclear strike squadron, EC02.004 Lafayette equipped with 21× Mirage 2000N – will be transition to Rafale B by September 2018. Two Transall C-160 G strategic communication flight. Inflight refueling unit with 14× C-135FR. CEAM – the Air Force military test centre.
- Air Base 126 Solenzara. Fighter gunnery range. SAR unit.
- Varennes-sur-Allier Air Force supply depot. DA 277 was dissolved on 30 June 2015.
- Air Base 278 Ambérieu. Logistic support base.
- BA 701 Salon de Provence. Officer instruction school. Enlisted instruction school.
- Air Base 709 Cognac-Châteaubernard. Basic flight training school equipped with 17× Pilatus PC-21 and UAV squadron MQ-9 Reaper.
- Air Base 721 Rochefort. Home of the NCO school, the École de formation des sous-officiers de l'armée de l'air.
- Air Base 942 Lyon-Mont Verdun. Air defence radar command reporting centre. National Air Operations Command location.
- EAR 943 Nice Mont-Agel. Air defence radar GM 406.
- DA 204 Bordeaux-Beauséjour air detachment. Logistic unit.
- EETAA 722 Saintes. Air force electronic, technical instruction also as Military basic Bootcamp.
- EPA 749 Grenoble. Air force child support school.
- BA 160 Dakar, Senegal. Mixed units.
- Escadron de transport 50, :fr:Détachement air 181 La Réunion, Réunion, Indian Ocean.
- BA 188 Djibouti, Africa. Mixed units.
- Air elements Libreville/Gabon.
- Air elements N’Djamena/Chad. Mixed units.
- BA 190 French Polynesia. Mixed unit.
- BA 365 Martinique, West Indies. Mixed unit.
- BA 367 French Guiana, South America. Mixed units.
- BA 376 :fr:Base aérienne 186 Nouméa, New Caledonia
- BA 104 Abu Dhabi
Aircraft inventory
Aircraft of the French Air Force include:Personnel
Since the end of the Algerian War, the French Air Force has comprised about 17 to 19% of the French Armed Forces. In 1990, at the end of the Cold War, numbers reached 56,400 military personnel under contract, out of which 36,300 were part of conscription and 5,400 civilians.In 2008, forecasts for personnel of the French Air Force were expected to number 50,000 out of which 44,000 aviators on the horizon in 2014.
In 2010, the number personnel of the French Air Force was reduced to 51,100 men and women out of which: 13% officers; 55% sous-officier; 29% air military technicians ; 3% volunteers of national service and aspirant volunteers; 6,500 civilians. They form several functions:
; Non-flying personnel
Non-navigating personnel of the French Air Force include and are not limited to : Systems Aerial Mechanics, Aerial Controllers, Meteorologists, Administrative Personnel, Air Parachute Commandos, in Informatics, in Infrastructures, in Intelligence, Commissioner of the Armies .
; Flying personnel
Pilots, Mechanical Navigating Officer, Navigating Arms Systems Officer , Combat Air Medic .
Training of personnel
, within their recruitment and future specialty, are trained at:- École de l'air de Provence;
- École Militaire de l'Air ;
- École des commissaires des armées ;
- École de pilotage de l'Armée de l'air ;
- École de l'aviation de transport ;
- École de l'aviation de chasse ;
- École de transition opérationnelle .
- Air Officer ;
- Officer Mechanics ;
- Aerial Base Officer, amongst which, officers of the Air Parachute Commandos are featured.
- École de formation des sous-officiers de l'Armée de l'air de Rochefort;
- École interarmées for administrative specialists;
- Escadron de formation des commandos de l'air of Aerial Base 115 Orange-Caritat for concerned specialists;
Air traffic controllers are trained at the Center of Control Instruction and Aerial Defense.