Arizona Colt

Arizona Colt, also known as The Man from Nowhere, is a Spaghetti Western directed by Michele Lupo and starring Giuliano Gemma, Fernando Sancho and Corinne Marchand.


Looking to reinforce his gang Torrez Gordon Watch raids a jail at the Mexican border. All prisoners who refuse to become his new henchman are to be shot dead. Arizona Colt can elude and makes it to a peaceful little town. Little does he know that Torrez Gordon Watch plans to rob the town's bank. Watch has already brought a gang member in position to feel out how it can be done. While the spy prepares the robbery, he hits on a young local woman named Dolores. When she recognises him as a member of the very gang, he murders her. Following this crime the bank gets robbed. The father of Dolores recognises among the gangsters the murderer and hires Arizona Colt to bring the gangster to justice.



Arizona Colt was released in Italy on 27 August 1966 in Italy and in France on 17 February 1971.