
Arinos is a municipality in northern Minas Gerais state in Brazil. Arinos is located east of the Federal District on the Urucuia River, a major tributary of the São Francisco. The city is 333 km from Brasília.
The municipality belongs to the statistical microregion of Unaí Microregion, which has 9 municipalities. Neighboring municipalities are:
Arinos has poor highway connections leading east to the Sao Francisco river and to the state capital of Belo Horizonte, but a better road leading west to the national capital of Brasília. Few of the roads in the town are paved. There is a fully paved road leading west to Cabeceiras to join the important BR-020, 22 kilometers east of Formosa. The distance is approximately 165 kilometers. Another paved road leads west, then southwest to Garapuava, and continues southwest to the important regional center of Unaí.

The economy

The economy is based on cattle raising and agriculture, especially the cultivation of soybeans, sorghum, and corn.
Main agricultural crops in 2006)
  • Rice: 2,050 ha.
  • Corn: 3,500 ha.
  • Soybeans: 4,00 ha.
  • Sorghum: 200 ha.
  • Beans: 900 ha.
Livestock raising in 2006
  • Cattle: 92,509 head
Farm data in 2006'''
Part of the municipality of Arinos is inside the Grande Sertão Veredas National Park, which lies to the north on an unpaved highway between Arinos and Formosa.