Ar-Rahman Mosque (Pyongyang)

The Ar-Rahman Mosque is a mosque in North Korea on the grounds of the Iranian embassy in Pyongyang, and is considered the country's first and only Mosque. The mosque is associated with the Shiite sect which is dominant in Iran, however embassy staff from other Islamic countries in North Korea including Sunni nations such as Indonesia have been reported to visit the Mosque and pray at it, and the mosque hosts Friday prayers which has been reported to be attended by Muslims embassy staff from various countries regardless of sect.
Though other Islamic-majority nations have embassies in North Korea, such as Egypt, Libya and Pakistan none of them have been reported to have mosques on their premises, and the lack of Mosques in North Korea due to the state's religious policy, has made North Korea to be reportedly the only country to have only a Shiite Mosque and no Sunni mosques.