
The siglum AqTaylor designates fragments of the literal translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek by Aquila. This is a septuagint manuscript dated
after the middle of the fifth century C.E., but not later than
the beginning of the sixth century C.E.. Aquila's translation was performed approximately in the year c.130 C.E.


The fragments were published by C. Taylor in his work Hebrew-Greek Cairo Genizah Palimpsests, Cambridge, 1900, pp. 54–65.


This manuscript contains Psalms 90-103. The manuscript is written in koine Greek, but it contains the tetragrammaton in archaic Hebrew script characters in Ps 91:2, 9; 92:1, 4, 5, 8, 9; 96:7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13; 97:1, 5, 9, 10, 12; 102:15, 16, 19, 21; 103:1, 2, 6, 8.

Actual location

Today is kept at Library of the University of Cambridge