Apple 410 Color Plotter

The Apple 410 Color Plotter is a color plotter printer that was sold by Apple Computer, Inc. from 1983 to 1988. The colors came in either water- or oil-based inks.
The printer could be connected to an Apple II or Apple III computer.


; eagle.def entry

Type = PenPlotter
Long = "Yokogawa PL 1000 plotter"
Init = "IP 0;IW 0,0,380,250; IP 1;\n"
Reset = "MA 0,0\n"
Width = 16
Height = 12
ResX = 254
ResY = 254
PenSelect = "PS %u\n"
PenSpeed = "PV %1.0f\n"
Move = "MA %d,%d\n"
Draw = "DA %d,%d\n"
PenCircleRxCxCy = "AC %d,%d,%d\n"