Apache Kylin

Apache Kylin is an open source distributed analytics engine designed to provide a SQL interface and multi-dimensional analysis on Hadoop and Alluxio supporting extremely large datasets.
It was originally developed by eBay, and is now a project of the Apache Software Foundation.


The Kylin project was started in 2013, in eBay's R&D in Shanghai, China. In Oct 2014, Kylin v0.6 was open sourced on github.com with the name "KylinOLAP".
In Nov 2014, Kylin joined Apache Software Foundation incubator.
In December 2015, Apache Kylin graduated to be a Top Level Project.
Kyligence Inc, a Chinese company, provides commercial support for Apache Kylin and consists primarily of the original developers of the open source code.


Apache Kylin is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Apache Calcite, Apache Spark and other technologies. These technologies are very powerful and matured, making Kylin able to support massive data load, and easily scale.
Kylin has the following core components:
Apache Kylin has been adopted by many companies as their OLAP platform in production. Typical users includes eBay, Meituan, XiaoMi, NetEase, Beike, Yahoo! Japan.


Apache Kylin roadmap :