Antonio Abati

Antonio Abati was an Italian poet. He was born in Gubbio, but the rest of his early biography is very vague. Abati was a satirical poet who wrote in the Baroque style. His book of nine satires was published in 1651.
Around 1640 he was a member of various academies in Rome, including gli Umoristi, where he read "Ragguagli di Parnasso", dedicated to the bad poets of the times. Between 1634 and 1638, Abati was in Viterbo, where he made the acquaintance of Salvator Rosa.


took him on as a poet laureate, then between 1640 and 1644 he travelled around the Netherlands and France, experiencing ups and downs, something he had opportunity to describe in one of his comedies: "Il Viaggio".
Returning to Italy, he obtained the protection of Cardinal Chigi, becoming governor of some villages of the Papal State.
The last years of his life, he spent at a farm near Senigallia - given to him by the Grand Duchess of Tuscany – and here he died after a long period of disease.
He led a merry life, his activity was well rewarded and he had the protection of powerful men. The value of his poetry is definitely inferior to his celebrity.


Massimo Colella, «Altro piacer che viaggiar non trovo». Una satira odeporica secentesca: Il Viaggio , in Antonio Abati. Satira e encomio, Senigallia, Ventura edizioni, 2019, pp. 163-194.