Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic

The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen. The anthem has no intro, unlike other SSR anthems.
One of the heroic themes heard in the III Act of Gayane was later used by Khachaturian in music of this National Anthem.
Upon independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Armenia adopted the anthem "Mer Hayrenik" in its place.


In Armenian

Russian translation

Russian was the state official language of the Armenian SSR, alongside Armenian.
Cyrillic scriptLatin script
Свободная советская страна – Армения!
В прошлом у тебя была суровая судьба,
Твои сыны боролись за тебя,
Теперь ты стала домом для армян!
Октябрь, глоток воздуха, давший нам жизнь,
Спасла нас, армянский народ, от неизбежного крушения.
С Лениным для нас настали новые времена.
Светит нам рассвет Пробуждения.
Россия протянула нам руку помощи
Народ создал сильное государство.
Наша Партия, надёжна и сильна,
Она ведёт нас к Коммунизму!
Svobodnaja sovetskaja strana – Armenija!
V prošlom u tebja byla surovaja sudjba,
Tvoji syny borolisj za tebja,
Teperj ty stala domom dlja armjan!
Oktjabrj, glotok vozduha, davšij nam žiznj,
Spasla nas, armjanskij narod, ot neizbežnogo krušenija.
S Leninym dlja nas nastali novyje vremena.
Svetit nam rassvet Probuždenija.
Rossija protjanula nam ruku pomošci
Narod sozdal siljnoje gosudarstvo.
Naša Partija, nadjožna i siljna,
Ona vedjot nas k Kommunizmu!

English translation Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.