Annemarie von Gabain

Annemarie von Gabain was a German scholar who dealt with Turkic studies, both as a linguist and as an art historian.

Early life and education

Gabain was born in Mörchingen on 7 April 1901. Her father, Arthur von Gabain, was a general and from Protestant family, Hugenotte. However, her mother raised her as a Catholic. Gabain received primary and secondary education in Mainz and Brandenburg. She went to Berlin for university education. She took courses on mathematics, sciences, Sinology and Turcology. She completed a dissertation in Sinology. Von Gabain then studied Turcology with Johann Wilhelm Bang Kaup who is the founder of the Berlin school of Turkic studies. Later, she began to work on the Old Turkic materials kept at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin.


Gabain published many books on Turcology and central Asia topics, some of her books are as follows:
. Das Leben im uigurischen Konigreich von Qoco: , Harrassowitz,.
. Einfuhrung in die Zentralasienkunde.Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft..
. Die Formensprache der uigurischen Malerei..


Gabain died on 15 January 1993 in Berlin.