Anne Ratna Mustika

Anne Ratna Mustika is an Indonesian politician who is the regent of Purwakarta. She took office in 2018, succeeding her husband Dedi Mulyadi when his second term of office expired. She was the first female leader of the regency.


Mustika was born in Gudang village, Cikalong Kulom, Cianjur Regency on 28 January 1982. Her father Usep Supriadi was a village chief and her mother Dedeh Sumiati was active in feminist movements. She completed her elementary, middle and high school in Cianjur, graduating high school in 2000 before later studying for a bachelor's degree in a Purwakarta economic institute, graduating in 2016.
At the age of 17, Mustika participated in a beauty contest, being awarded the title of "Mojang Purwakarta" in 1999.


Mustika married Dedi Mulyadi, her immediate predecessor as regent, while Dedi was a member of Purwakarta's legislative body. The couple has two children, with a third in pregnancy as of September 2018. She is also the niece of Bunyamin Dudih, regent of Purwakarta between 1993 and 2003.


As first lady of the regency, she was active in various household organizations, including the PKK and household handicrafts. She also participated in socializing programs, especially family planning. In 2016, she founded a gallery to facilitate handcrafts made by Purwakarta women.
In 2018, Mustika participated in the regency's election with her husband facing term limits. Running with the support of Golkar, Demokrat, Hanura, PKB, Nasdem and PAN, she won the election, gaining 218,429 votes in the three-candidate race.
She was sworn in by governor Ridwan Kamil on 20 September 2018. Mustika was around seven weeks pregnant during the ceremony. Mustika became the first female to lead Purwakarta Regency.