Anime Classics Zettai!

Anime Classics Zettai!: 100 Must-See Japanese Animation Masterpieces is a 2007 encyclopedia written by Brian Camp and Julie Davis and published by Stone Bridge Press which provides basic details and short reviews of 100 Japanese anime titles, most of which have been translated and licensed for release in English in North America. Stone Bridge Press published the printed version on September 15, 2007, with the e-book version published on August 1, 2007.


's Jamie Watson commends the books as "indispensable for anyone with an interest in anime", with further comments about the book's "interest to teens and also serve as a great reference for collection development as all of the movies are considered classics by the authors." Ain't It Cool News's Scott Green comments that the book is "written with a more objective voice than ' or '. It is possible to suss out some vague sense of preference, but while a given person is unlikely to truly enjoy every work of anime discussed; every anime is described and evaluated in an even manner."