Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?

Animal, Vegetable, Mineral? was a popular television game show which ran from 1952 to 1959. In the show, a panel of archeologists, art historians, and natural history experts were asked to identify interesting objects or artifacts from museums from Britain and abroad, and other faculties, including university collections.
The quiz show was presented by the BBC, continuing a long history of bringing contributors to archaeology into the media limelight. Writing in 1953, the critic C.A. Lejeune described the show as having "a sound, full-bodied, vintage flavour".


The UK television show was modelled on an American TV show called What in the World? that was developed by Froelich Rainey. The first episode of Animal, Vegetable, Mineral? was broadcast in October 1952 and was hosted by Lionel Hale and produced by Paul Johnstone. Hale soon stood down as chairman, after an early episode in which he was challenged by Thomas Bodkin about the age of one of the objects shown, in favour of the archaeologist Glyn Daniel, who continued as the regular chairman and scorer for the next seven years.
The most frequent member of the discussion panel was the renowned archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler, who was voted TV personality of the year in 1954, providing the world of archaeology with its first media star. Daniel won the award the following year.
The last episode of original series was broadcast in 1959, after which the programme was cancelled, partly because of Daniel's association with Anglia Television. It was briefly, and unsuccessfully, revived as A.V.M? in 1971, directed by Bob Toner, with Barry Cunliffe as the chairman.

Programme information

The person responsible for choosing the artefact for each episode was Sir David Attenborough, who was also the camera director. However, on the Christmas special in 1956, Glyn Daniel and Sir Mortimer Wheeler selected items for Attenborough and other production staff to examine.
Inauthentic items were occasionally included: for example, a stone axe made by the forger 'Flint Jack' or fake Crown Derby ware. On one occasion, Sir Julian Huxley was unable to identify a modern mock-up of a stuffed great auk as a fake, and on another Huxley lost a £1 bet after failing to recognise the egg of the African giant snail. Occasionally the presenter would try to fool the panel with a corroded modern artefact e.g. a part of a pram or a bicycle.
The signature music for the series was the prelude to Partita No. 3 in E major by Johann Sebastian Bach.


Wheeler often "cheated" by investigating beforehand which objects had been removed from their next location, and looking up the relevant information about the corresponding items in catalogues. Nevertheless, Wheeler once stormed off set after taking offence when a junior producer offered to show him the planned items before an episode was filmed.
In 1957, an episode was broadcast in which the panel were asked to identify the ethnic origins of a selection of human volunteers. The anthropologist Margaret Mead disrupted the episode by repeatedly claiming that examples of each ethnic group could be seen at Grand Central Station in New York City. Mead was not invited to take part in the show again.
On one occasion, a BBC spokesman stated that Glyn Daniel presented the show while suffering from influenza, as during a discussion about a sheaf of poisoned arrows from the Sarawak State Museum he said on air that "there are a few million people I would like to kill - mostly viewers". Attenborough explained in his autobiography that Daniel had presented the programme while drunk. On another occasion, Leigh Ashton, the Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum, also appeared while drunk, and fell asleep after incorrectly stating the first three objects shown to be fakes.
On one of the show's overseas visits, an episode had to be re-located to the Musée de l'Homme in Paris after the National Archaeological Museum refused permission to film.


The show was the forerunner of other popular BBC archaeology programmes, such as Buried Treasure and Chronicle. It was credited with contributing to the rise in popularity of archaeology in Britain in the 1950s, which resulted in increased museum attendance and library use. On several occasions it caused museums' identifications of objects to be amended based on information provided by the panel or by the viewing public.
Its format was often referenced in comedy shows: Not Only...But Also, At Last the 1948 Show, Do Not Adjust Your Set and The Complete and Utter History of Britain each contained sketches with experts analyzing a "mystery object", often resulting in totally wrong conclusions or, in At Last the 1948 Show, in the items getting destroyed. Even in the 21st century, Animal, Vegetable, Mineral? was still referenced in the second episode of The Armstrong & Miller Show: Its simple set-up was parodied with a fictional black & white program called "How many hats?".
In September 2011, University College London performed a one-off revival of Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?. The panel of experts included Claire Thomson, Ryan Nichol, Tom Stern and Sam Turvey. It was hosted by Joe Flatman and consisted of a visit to the UCL museum.


Only four episodes exist in the BBC's archives, three of which are available to watch from the BBC iPlayer. The fourth one is mute, because its audio track has been lost.
Some episode information follows:
23 October 1952Lionel Hale
6 November 1952Glyn DanielPitt Rivers MuseumSir Julian Huxley, T. C. Lethbridge, Sir Mortimer Wheeler
30 April 1953Glyn DanielThomas Bodkin, W.E. Swinton, Sir Mortimer Wheeler
21 January 1954University College Museum, Bangor UniversitySir Mortimer Wheeler
4 March 1954Ashmolean Museum
29 April 1954British Museum
14 October 1954Thomas Bodkin, Johannes Brøndsted, Sir Mortimer Wheeler
28 October 1954Glyn Daniel, Froelich RaineyManchester MuseumGeoffrey Bushnell, Froelich Rainey, Sir Mortimer Wheeler, Glyn DanielAvailable in BBC archive. Daniel and Rainey swapped roles for part of the show. Final score 14/20.
11 November 1954Glyn DanielSheffield City MuseumAdrian Digby, Hugh Shortt, Edward Wenham
24 December 1954Glyn DanielThomas Bodkin, Hugh Shortt, Sir Mortimer Wheeler
27 January 1955Glyn DanielGrosvenor MuseumSir Mortimer Wheeler
21 April 1955Glyn DanielBirmingham Museum and Art GalleryThomas Bodkin, Adrian Digby, Sir Mortimer WheelerFiftieth episode
3 May 1956Glyn DanielNational Museum of PragueV. Gordon Childe, Seán P. Ó Ríordáin, Sir Mortimer WheelerAvailable in BBC archive. Final score 22/20.
17 May 1956John BetjemanMetropolitan Museum of Art, New YorkStephen Bone, Sir Gerald Kelly, Mary Woodall
1 October 1958Glyn DanielVictoria and Albert MuseumThomas Bodkin, Hugh Shortt, Sir Mortimer WheelerAvailable in BBC archive. Final score 19/20.
15 October 1958Glyn DanielImperial War MuseumCharles Appleby, Charles Thomas, Sir Mortimer Wheeler
30 May 1971Barry CunliffeRoman occupation of BritainTony Birley, Kate Pretty, John Wild
6 June 1971Barry CunliffeEarly Celtic BritainKate Pretty, Leo Rivet, John Wild
13 June 1971Barry CunliffeNeolithic and Bronze AgeHumphrey Case, Kate Pretty, Colin Renfrew
20 June 1971Barry CunliffeDevelopment sitesPhil Barker, Peter Fowler, Kate Pretty
27 June 1971Barry CunliffeBritain 500 to 1066Peter Fowler, Kate Pretty, Charles Thomas
4 July 1971Barry CunliffeMiddle AmericaPhil Barker, Martin Biddle, Kate Pretty
11 July 1971Barry CunliffeNew and Old World civilisationsNorman Hammond, Kate Pretty, Colin Renfrew
18 July 1971Barry CunliffeBritain in the Middle AgesNorman Hammond, Kate Pretty, Eric Thompson
25 July 1971Barry CunliffeFishbourne Roman PalaceTony Birley, Kate Pretty, John Wild
1 August 1971Barry CunliffeCivilisations of the Eastern MediterraneanWarwick Bray, Norman Hammond, Colin Renfrew
8 August 1971Barry CunliffeViking AgeMartin Biddle, Kate Pretty, Anna Ritchie
15 August 1971Barry CunliffeFishbourne Roman PalaceKen Hawley, Hugh Shortt, John Wild
22 August 1971Barry CunliffeBeamish MuseumNeil Cossons, Norman Hammond, Kenneth HudsonWith Frank Atkinson.
29 August 1971Barry CunliffeViewers requestsMartin Biddle, Kate Pretty, Colin Renfrew

Cast and crew

A partial cast list is available.
NameAppeared AsEpisodes
Charles ApplebyPanellistUnknown episodes
Frank AtkinsonChallengerOne episode, 1971
David AttenboroughProducerUnknown episodes
John BetjemanPanellist & ChairmanUnknown episodes
Martin BiddlePanellistThree episodes, 1971
Tony BirleyPanellistTwo episodes, 1971
Anthony BluntPanellistOne episode, 1956
Thomas BodkinPanellistUnknown episodes
Stephen BonePanellistUnknown episodes
Warwick BrayPanellistOne episode, 1971
Johannes BrøndstedPanellistOne episode, 1954
Geoffrey BushnellPanellistUnknown episodes
Humphrey CasePanellistOne episode, 1971
V. Gordon ChildePanellistUnknown episodes
Norman 'Bill' CookPanellistUnknown episodes
Neil CossonsPanellistOne episode, 1971
Barry CunliffeChairmanFourteen episodes, 1971
Glyn DanielChairman & PanellistUnknown episodes
Adrian DigbyPanellistOne episode, 1952
Lionel HalePanellistEpisode 1, 1952
Norman HammondPanellistFour episodes, 1971
Ken HawleyPanellistOne episode, 1971
Jacquetta HawkesPanellistUnknown episodes
Kenneth HudsonPanellistOne episode, 1971
Julian HuxleyPanellistUnknown episodes
Paul JohnstoneProducerUnknown episodes
Gerald KellyPanellistUnknown episodes
Kathleen KenyonPanellistOne episode, November 1955
James LaverPanellistOne episode, 1952
T. C. LethbridgePanellistOne episode, 1952
Margaret MeadPanellistOne episode, 1957
Seán P. Ó RíordáinPanellistUnknown episodes
Stuart PiggottPanellistUnknown episodes
Kate PrettyPanellistTen episodes, 1971
Froelich RaineyPanellist & ChairmanUnknown episodes
Colin RenfrewPanellistFour episodes, 1971
Anna RitchiePanellistOne episode, 1971
Leo RivetPanellistOne episode, 1971
Hugh ShorttPanellistUnknown episodes
John SummersonPanellistUnknown episodes
W.E. SwintonPanellistUnknown episodes
Charles ThomasPanellistUnknown episodes
Nancy ThomasPresenterEpisode 1, 1952
Eric ThompsonPanellistOne episode, 1971
Edward WenhamPanellistUnknown episodes
Mortimer WheelerPanellistUnknown episodes
John WildPanellistFour episodes, 1971
Mary WoodallPanellistUnknown episodes