Animakee Wa Zhing 37 First Nation

Animakee Wa Zhing 37 First Nation is an Anishinaabe First Nation in northwestern Ontario. It is a part of the Anishinabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council, which is in turn part of the Grand Council of Treaty 3.
As of 2015, the First Nation had a registered membership of 405 people, 179 of whom were living on Animakee Wa Zhing 37 reserve lands.

Reserve lands

Agency 30
Big Island 37
Lake of the Woods 34
Lake of the Woods 37
Lake of the Woods 37B
Northwest Angle 34C
Northwest Angle 34C & 37B
Northwest Angle 37C
Shoal Lake 34B1
Shoal Lake 37A
Whitefish Bay 34A


In the December 2015 election, Jimmie Major was elected chief, with Deanna Major, Rhonda Nash, Brittany Powassin and Leigh Powassin as councillors.