Angolan nationality law

Angolan nationality law is the body of law concerning who is a citizen of Angola. The basis of Angolan nationality law is Lei no.13/91 da nacionalidade, de 11 de maio, Lei no.1/05 da nacionalidade, de 1 de julho, and Decreto no.31/07 dos registos de nascimentos, de 14 de maio.

Acquisition of Angolan citizenship

By birth

Birth in Angola alone is not sufficient grounds for a right to Angolan citizenship, unless the parents are unknown or stateless.

By descent

Any child who has at least one Angolan citizen parent has a right to Angolan citizenship from birth, regardless of the place of birth or the marital status of the parents.

By marriage

The spouse of an Angolan citizen becomes an Angolan citizen after five years of marriage, regardless of sex. There is no requirement to reside in Angola.

By naturalisation

A foreign national may apply for Angolan citizenship upon meeting the following conditions:
There is no requirement to renounce previous nationalities.

Multiple citizenship

Angolan citizens are permitted to hold dual or multiple citizenships.

Loss of citizenship

Angolan citizenship acquired by birth may be revoked as a consequence of performing certain services for a foreign state. Angolan citizenship acquired by naturalisation may be revoked upon a finding the it was fraudulently acquired or upon conviction for crimes against the state. Those who have their citizenship revoked have a right to challenge the revocation in court.

Laws in English
