Angélique Bernard

Angélique Bernard GCStJ is the 17th and current Commissioner of Yukon, appointed on 12 March 2018. She is the youngest person to serve as commissioner for any of Canada's three northern territories and the first Franco-Yukonnais to serve as commissioner.
Bernard moved to the Yukon from Montreal in 1995, initially for a 4-month translation internship with the territorial government. She became an active member of the Franco-Yukonnais community, including volunteering for non-profit organizations and hosting a French-language community radio show starting in 1998. She served as Chair of the Association Franco-Yukonnaise from 2010 to 2017.

Honours and arms


Federal honours

Bernard's coat of arms was granted through grant of arms and supporters, with differences to Sébastien William Comchi and Samuel Nicholas Comchi, on May 15, 2019.