Andrey Fedorov was born in Tver, the son of a gardener. His higher education was at the Tver Institute of Education, in part at the same time as his brother, and he graduated in 1929. He worked until 1935 at the station in Sukhumi, a subsidiary of the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. From 1935 to 1945 he continued his research at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences. In 1945 he moved to Leningrad to work at the Komarov Botanical Institute where he spent the rest of his career. He directed the Laboratory there from 1963. In 1955 and 1956, he took part in joint Sino-Soviet biological expedition to the province of Yunnan. In 1955 he was a signatory of the "Letter of three hundred" - addressed to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which criticised the activities of Lysenko and made an overall assessment of the state of biology in the Soviet Union. The letter was drafted by a large group of Soviet scientists and led eventually to the resignation of Lysenko as president of All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Andrey Fedorov was appointed in 1970 as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His main work was devoted to the taxonomy of flowering plants, to the flora of the USSR, flora of other countries and to the history of the flora. Among the families studied by Fedorov, we can distinguish those of Campanulaceae and Primulaceae. He was also interested in phytogeography. Fedorov was a regional adviser for the Soviet Union on the international Flora Europaea project, published in five volumes in 1964-1980. He was also co-author of The Flora of the USSR, international edition published in four volumes between 1964 and 1976, and co-editor of The Flora of the European part of the USSR . He died 5 March 1987 in Leningrad and was buried at Serafimovskoe Cemetery, also in Leningrad.
Andrey Fedorov, История высокогорной флоры Кавказа в четвертичное время // Материалы по четвертичному периоду СССР : collection Moscow, 1952, Т. 3.
Andrey Fedorov and Moïsseï Kirpichnikov, Справочное пособие по систематике высших растений : vol. I: Сокращения, условные обозначения, географические названия / edited by B. K. Schischkin; Botanical Institute. Komarov Academy of Sciences. - Leningrad: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1954. - 110 p.
Andrey Fedorov, O флористических связях Восточной Азии с Кавказом // Материалы по истории флоры и растительности СССР, Moscow-Leningrad, 1958, Т. 3.
Andrey Fedorov, Диптерокарповый экваториальный влажнотропический лес Цейлона '' // Тр. Моск. общества испытателей природы. Отдел биологический.. - 1960. - T. 3.
A. L. Takhtajan and Andrey Fedorov, Флора Еревана, Leningrad, Nauka, 1972, 396 pages.
Определитель высших растений Крыма / edited by Andrey Fedorov, Léningrad, Nauka, 1981, 380 pages.
Andrey Fedorov, Семейство охновые. Семейство чайные. Семейство тетрамеристовые. Семейство боннетовые. Семейство диптерокарповые // Жизнь растений, in six volumes. / edited A. L. Takhtajan, Moscow, Prosvechtchenie, 1981. — Т. 5. part. 2. Цветковые растения. / ed. A. L. Takhtajan, pp. 18—19, 21—25, 27, 123—126 ; 512 pages
Works translated into English
2000. Flora of Russia: v. 3: The European Part and Bordering Regions: vol. 3. Ed. Taylor & Francis. 370 pp.
2001a. Flora of Russia: v. 4: The European Part and Bordering Regions: vol. 4. Ed. Taylor & Francis. 532 pp.
2001b. Flora of Russia: v. 5: The European Part and Bordering Regions: vol. 5. Ed. CRC Press. 532 pp.
2002a. Flora of Russia: The European Part and Bordering Regions 6. Ed. Taylor & Francis. 992 pp.
2002. Flora of Russia: The European Part and Bordering Regions vol. 7. Ed. Taylor & Francis. 320 pp.
2003. Flora of Russia: Vol. 8: The European Part and Bordering Regions: vol. 8. Ed. Taylor & Francis. 704 pp.