Andres de Soto or Andreas a Soto was a Franciscan preacher and spiritual writer, confessor to the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia.
Andres de Soto was born in Sahagún, Spain, in 1552 or 1553. He entered the Recollect Franciscan Order at the age of 20. In 1599 he was appointed as confessor to the Infanta Isabella and travelled to the Spanish Netherlands. He remained the Infanta's confessor until his death, 26 years later. In 1603 he was awarded 3,000 livres out of state funds, to be employed in pious works, and a further 713livres to buy a new hermitage and renovate an existing hermitage in Ghent. In 1604 he helped re-establish the Franciscan Recollect convent in Boetendael, which had been badly damaged and abandoned in 1579. In 1616 he helped found the Annunciate convent in Brussels. In 1622, a year after her husband the Archduke Albert had died, Soto received Isabella's profession as a Franciscan Tertiary. He died in Brussels on 5 April 1625.
Libro de lavida y excellencias de el glorioso S. Ioseph, esposo de la Virgen N. Señora. .
*Dutch translation by Franciscus Vanden Broecke as Het leven van den heyligen Joseph, bruydegom onser Liever Vrouwen.
Contemplacion Del Crucifixo, Y Consideraciones De Christo Crucificado, y de los dolores que la Virgen sanctissima padescio al pie de la cruz. .
*Dutch translation by Jan van Blitterswyck as Beschouwinghen op het kruycifix ende op de smerten welcke de heylighste Maghet Maria lede aen den voedt des Kruys.
Redempcion del tiempo cavtivo: en que se declava, quan preciosa cosa es il tiempo, y lo mucho que pierde el que le tiene cautivo, y como se ha de reaimir. .
Opusculos del origen antiguedad bendicion significacion, virtud, y milagros del agnus dei y del agua bendita. .
Sermon que predico el P. F. Andres de Soto en el convento de las Carmelitas descalças de la villa de Brusellas, a la profession de la hermana Theresa de Jesus.
Vida, milagros y mission a España del glorioso martyr Eugenio, primer arçobispo de la sancta iglesia de Toledo.
Dos Dialogos en los quales se ensena que cosa sea milagro y porque hizo milagros Christo Nuestro Senor y de que sirven.
*French translation by Philip Numan as Deux dialogues traitans de la doctrine & matiere des miracles. .
*Dutch translation by Philip Numan as Twee t'samensprekingen behandelende de leeringe ende materie vanden mirakelen. .
De schole van de eenicheydt des menschs met Godt. .