Andreas Weber (writer)

Andreas Weber is a German biologist, biosemiotician, philosopher and journalist.


Andreas Weber studied biology and philosophy in Berlin, Freiburg, Hamburg and Paris. He became a Ph.D. in philosophy in 2003 with the thesis Natur als Bedeutung. Versuch einer semiotischen Theorie des Lebendigen. He has worked as a journalist for publications such as Die Zeit, GEO, Merian and Greenpeace Magazin. He lives in Berlin with his wife and two children.
In his monographs, such as Alles fühlt. Mensch, Natur und die Revolution der Lebenswissenschaften, Biokapital. Die Versöhnung von Ökonomie, Natur und Menschlichkeit and Lebendigkeit. Eine erotische Ökologie, he promotes concepts such as sensation, subjectivity and beauty as fundamental for interpreting the world.