
Anaxandrides, was an Athenian Middle Comic poet. He was victorious ten times, first in 376, according to the Marmor Parium. Inscriptional evidence shows that three of his victories came at the Lenaia, so the other seven must have been at the City Dionysia, including in 375, when he also took third at the Lenaia. A substantial fragment of his complete competitive record survives in IG Urb. Rom. 218. He wrote 65 plays, and his career continued into the early 340s. He was probably from the city of Camirus on Rhodes, although the Suda reports that "according to some authorities" he was from Colophon. The Suda also reports that Anaxandrides was "the first to introduce love-affairs and rapes of girls".

Surviving Titles and Fragments

82 fragments of his comedies survive, along with 41 titles.
The standard edition of the fragments and testimonia is in Rudolf Kassel and Colin François Lloyd Austin's Poetae Comici Graeci Vol. II. The eight-volume Poetae Comici Graeci produced from 1983 to 2001 replaces the outdated collections Fragmenta Comicorum Graecorum by August Meineke, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta by Theodor Kock and Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta by Georg Kaibel.
The text has also been published with an English translation and commentary by Benjamin Millis: Anaxandrides: Introduction, Translation, Commentary.