Anastas Razboynikov

Anastas Spasov Razboynikov was a Bulgarian revolutionary and teacher, a worker of the Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization.
Anastas Razboynikov was born in 1882 in the town of Mustafa Pasha in the Ottoman Empire. He finished the Bulgarian Men's High School of Adrianople in 1901-1902. In this school he together with his classmates founded a revolutionary group of students. After he finished the school, he became a major teacher for the region of Bunarhisar. There he met the revolutionary band of Ivan Shishmanov with the goal of organising revolutionary activities among the population. During the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising he was a freedom fighter in the revolutionary band of Stoyan Petrov.
He was a delegate of the Congress of Petrova Niva as a representative of the Bunarhisar revolutionary region and, together with Hristo Silyanov, he was elected secretary of the congress. He died in Sofia in 1967.