Amit Sahai

Amit Sahai is an American computer scientist. He is a professor of computer science at UCLA and the director of the Center for Encrypted Functionalities.


Amit Sahai was born in 1974 in Thousand Oaks, California, to parents who had
immigrated from India. He received a B.A. in mathematics with a computer
science minor from the University of California, Berkeley, summa cum laude, in
At Berkeley, Sahai was named Computing Research Association Outstanding
Undergraduate of the Year, North America, and was a member of the three-person
team that won first place in the 1996 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.
Sahai received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT in 2000, and joined the
computer science faculty at Princeton University. In
2004 he moved to UCLA, where he currently holds the position of Professor of
Computer Science.

Research and Recognition

Amit Sahai's research interests are in security and cryptography, and theoretical
computer science more broadly. He has published more than 100 original
technical research papers.
Notable contributions by Sahai include:
Sahai has given a number of invited talks including the 2004 Distinguished Cryptographer Lecture
Series at NTT Labs, Japan. He was named an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research
Fellow in 2002, received an Okawa Research Grant Award in 2007, a Xerox
Foundation Faculty Award in 2010, and a Google Faculty Research Award in 2010.
His research has been covered by several news agencies including the BBC World
Sahai was elected as an ACM Fellow in 2018 for "contributions to cryptography and to the development of indistinguishability obfuscation".
In 2019, he was named a Fellow of the International Association for Cryptologic Research for "fundamental contributions, including to secure computation, zero knowledge, and functional encryption, and for service to the IACR."