Amirteymour Kalali

Mohammad Ebrahim Mirza Amirteymour Kalali , also known as Sardar Nosrat, was a prominent Iranian statesman and aristocrat.


Amirteymour, a distinguished and influential Iranian politician of the 20th century, was born in Mashhad to an aristocratic family and received his formal education in France and England. For centuries his family led the Timuri tribe, and his father, Mir 'Ali Mardan Khan, Nuzrat ol-Molk, who was the hereditary prince/ruler of Khorasan, was granted the title of Nuzrat ol-Molk by Naser al-Din Shah Qajar. Nuzrat ol-Molk was a capable military commander and had become close to the Shah since crushing his nephew's claim to the throne in Khorasan. The Shah wanted to have him as a member of his family but did not have a suitable daughter, therefore he recommended his brother's daughter be married to Nuzrat ol-Molk. He ultimately married Prince Mohammad Taqi Mirza Rokn ed-Dowleh's daughter Princess Ashraf us-Sultana Qajar.

Private life

Amirteymour fathered eleven children from two wives:
Princess Ney Rozma Davalou Qajar
Afrouz Farhood