American Thinker

American Thinker is a daily online magazine dealing with American politics, foreign policy, national security, Israel, economics, diplomacy, culture and military strategy with a conservative viewpoint. It was founded in 2003 by Ed Lasky, a Northbrook lawyer, Richard Baehr, a Chicago health care consultant, and Thomas Lifson, a Berkeley, Calif., sociologist and business adviser.
The magazine has been described as a conservative blog. Right Wing Watch points out that American Thinker has published an excessively complimentary piece on a white nationalist, claimed women ruined public discourse by complaining about rape, and asserted that rainbow-colored Doritos are a "gateway snack to introduce children to the joys of homosexuality." The site has published falsehoods about climate change.
A column in the American Thinker caused stir over a California plan to require programmable thermostats which could be controlled by officials in the event of power supply difficulties.