Amazing Facts was founded in 1965 by Joe Crews in Baltimore, Maryland. Inspired by the success of The Rest Of The Story, hosted by Paul Harvey, Joe Crews' original objective for Amazing Facts was to reach out to both Christian and non-Christian listeners via daily 15-minute programs by opening with a scientific or historic fact, and how it applies to the overall Biblical messages. Later, the program offered accompanying home Bible study courses, as well as books written by Crews himself. In 1987, Amazing Facts initiated a television ministry that has expanded to four programs as well as periodic evangelism series. Shortly before his death in 1994, Crews invited Doug Batchelor to assume the position of president/speaker, which he holds to this day. Today, the Amazing Factsradio program "Bible Answers Live" broadcasts mainly out of Sacramento, California each Sunday evening to about 155 national stations.
Media programming
Amazing Facts programming is available on a variety of over-the-air, cable and satellite stations In addition, programs are archived on the website.
Radio programs
Bible Answers Live - a 60-minute Sunday evening radio program where listeners phone or email Bible questions which are answered live
Wonders in the Word - 30-minute radio program airing Monday through Thursday
The ministry carries various programming on television through Internet, mobile devices, various television stations, networks including their Amazing Facts Television Channel.
Amazing Facts operates the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism. "AFCOE trains and equips clergy and lay people in all aspects of evangelistic ministry." Both a four-month "Complete" course and a 4-day "AFCOE To Go" courses are offered from their campus in Rocklin, CA and by request around the world.
Amazing Facts offers a free Bible school with online study guides.
In April 2007 it was announced that Amazing Facts and 3ABN would be merging However, in August 2007, after several months of review, Amazing Facts announced they will not merge with 3ABN due to issues with structural dynamics. On April 6, 2008 Amazing Facts announced a joint venture with Weimar Institute whereby the operations of Weimar Institute will be administered by Amazing Facts and both organizations would have a single board of directors. Weimar was renamed Weimar Center of Health and Education and Neil Nedley was chosen as president.