Amaurobius ferox

Amaurobius ferox, sometimes known as the black lace-weaver, is a spider belonging to the family Amaurobiidae. It is distributed in Europe and North America and has been introduced into New Zealand.
The species can be found in dark areas, such as under logs or in cellars.
The female of this species is around in length. It is very dark brown to black overall. The abdomen is rounded and bears indistinct yellowish markings. The male is similar but smaller and more slender. The eggs are laid in a white sac in a sheltered place. The female usually guards the sac until the eggs have hatched. This species has been known to bite people.
Amaurobius ferox is a matriphagous spider, meaning that the young devour the mother after hatching. First she lays a second set of eggs on which the newly hatched spiders feed. Then a few days later she actively encourages her offspring to devour her.