Call signs in Antarctica

Call signs in Antarctica include a three letter region code and a series of numbers and letters.

Assignments for telecommunications

Region codeCall signLocation
ATACD 55Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva
ATACD 57Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva
ATALRF 374Marambio Base
ATACD 61Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva
ATALRF 373Esperanza Base
ATAAFANMcMurdo Sound

Assignments for amateur radio

Amateur radio or ham radio call signs are unique identifiers for licensed operators in Antarctica. Call signs are regulated internationally by the ITU as well as nationally by governing bodies within each country who may have nationals operating in Antarctica. Call signs may also be issued by a local Antarctic authority who chooses from a block reserved by their national body for that purpose. The Antarctic Treaty signed on December 1, 1959, established the legal framework for the management of Antarctica, including allocation of amateur call signs.
The International Telecommunications Union does not assign call letter blocks to Antarctica since there is no single government there which can send delegates to ITU conferences. However, some individual countries reserve Antarctic prefixes or call letters from within their own call letter blocks as per this table. In some cases the assignment of call letters is made locally at an Antarctic base and the relevant national body is notified.
ATA, ATN, AT0Indiaunofficial allocation, as part of special event designation, see VU, below
CE9ChileITU 67, 69–74; CQ 12, 13, 29, 30, 32, 38, 39
DP0, DP1, DP2Germanyexpeditionary calls, only for outside of Germany in international territories or in space, other DP numbers used in home country
EDSpainalso used in home country
EMUkrainealso used for special events
HL8,DT8South Korea
IA0ItalyMario Zucchelli station, Terra Nova Bay
KC4AAx, KC4USA–KC4USZUnited StatesKC4AAA–AAF for Byrd, McMurdo, Palmer ITU CQ zones 12–13, 30; KC4USA–KC4USZ for US Naval bases
LU#ZArgentina'#' is any numeral
LZ0Bulgariaalso for special event stations
OA0Perualso for special event and club stations
OJ1FinlandABOA suffix. OJ9 rarely used. OJ1 also used for World Radiosport Team Championship
OR4BelgiumOther OR4 calls have been used in home country
RI1ARussiausually three letter suffix in the form of Axx. In the past Russian bases used callsigns in the R1A series.
VK0Australiaalso Heard Island and Macquarie Island
VP8United KingdomVP8 also used in Falkland Islands and its dependencies
VUIndianot distinctive to Antarctica, see AT above
ZL5, ZL9New ZealandZL9 is for sub-Antarctic territories, operators must have permission to land before call is issued
ZS7South Africa
ZV0, ZX0Brazilfor ZX0, suffixes not starting with F, S, or T
3YNorwayalso Bouvet Island and Peter I Island
8J1JapanRL suffix from Syowa Station, also used for special events

Reciprocal agreements

Although Antarctica is considered international by treaty, amateur radio operators in Antarctica are often subject to the reciprocal licensing requirements pertaining to the country under which the camp is flagged.

Special Events

The Worldwide Antarctic Program keeps a list of special event call signs issued from various countries at various times. TM4IPY was issued in 2007 by France to celebrate the International Polar Year as was IA0IPY, IA8IPY, IA7IPY & IP7IPY by Italy, GB4IPY by The United Kingdom, VY0ICE/VE2 in Canada, LZ07IPY in Argentina, EV5IPY in Belarus, CQ4IPY in Portugal, SN0IPY in Poland, YE2IPY in Indonesia, S50IPY in Slovenia, 5D0IPY in Morocco, and others. These callsigns were used by amateurs in their home countries.

History of call sign allocation

The Worldwide Antarctic Program maintains current internet Bulletins as to call sign activity in the south polar region, including 3,100 call signs used since 1945.
The Radio Society of Great Britain assigns islands into seven world districts, including Antarctica. It assigns IOTA Groups and Reference Numbers corresponding to these areas – Antarctic Islands are AN-xxx. Some of these IOTA groups have call signs assigned by a sovereign power, others have call signs assigned according to the Antarctic Treaty. Not all of these islands fall within the Antarctic Treaty area.
IOTA #PrefixLocation
AN-001Various CallsignsGraham Land West group
AN-0023YBouvet Island
AN-003VK0Heard Island
AN-0043YPeter 1 Island
AN-005VK0Macquarie Island
AN-006Various CallsignsGraham Land West group
AN-007VP8South Georgia Island
AN-008Various CallsignsSouth Orkney Islands
AN-009VP8South Sandwich Islands
AN-010Various CallsignsSouth Shetland Islands
AN-011Various CallsignsRoss Island group
AN-012Various CallsignsGraham Land West grp
AN-013Various CallsignsTrinity Peninsula group
AN-014Various CallsignsBerkner Island
AN-015Various CallsignsQueen Maud Land group
AN-016Various CallsignsAntarctica
AN-017Various CallsignsAdelie Land group
AN-018Various CallsignsPalmer Land West group