Amanit school

Amanit School is a public school for grades 1 through 8 in Segenet, Amanit, Dogu’a Tembien, Tigray, Ethiopia. There are also a “zero” and an “alpha” grade class.


The Amanit School has five classrooms.
As of 2019, the school had 422 students, 224 girls and 188 boys.
There were:
Over the last 20 years, important efforts have been done to increase schooling in Tigray, particularly of girls. The large intake in primary schools in Ethiopia over the last decades has led to lack of classrooms. Hence, classes take place through shifts.

Water and sanitation

In 2019, water was not available at the school.
The hand-dug well with handpump on the schoolyard was broken, and the Gudeli village pump yields insufficient water, even for the village households.
Up to 2019, there was no toilet building, the students went outside for toilet, boys and girls in separate directions. There were also no specific facilities for girls handling menstrual hygiene; this is a major reason for adolescent girls dropping out from school.
In 2020, the School WatSani project has built an Ecosan toilet building at this school.
Through nudging approach, the students are sensitised for using the sanitation and water facilities.


All children travel to school on foot. Many students will walk more than an hour, twice a day, to come to school.