Amajari is a municipality located in the northwest of the state of Roraima in Brazil. Its population is 7,980 and its area is 28,472 km². It is the westernmost municipality in Roraima.
The municipality of Amajari is a region of 8 indigenous segments with a total of 19 indigenous communities living there. The present ethnic groups are the Macuxi, Wapichana, Sapará and Taurepang people. The 8 indigenous segments: TI Araçá, TI Ouro, TI Anaro, TI Ponta da Serra, TI Aningal, TI Garagem, TI Santa Inês and TI Ananás. The indigenous communities that are located in the region are: Araçá, Mutamba, Mangueira, Três Corações, Guariba, Anaro, Ponta da Serra, Urucuri, Juraci, Nova União, Ouro, San Francisco, Cajueiro, Garagem, Ananás, Leão de Ouro, Santa Inês, Aningal and Vida Nova.The following is a list of the main populated places within the municipality and their population according to the census of 2010.