Alta View Hospital

Alta View Hospital is located in Sandy, Utah, United States, and is an Intermountain Healthcare member hospital.
Hospital services include a 24-suite women's center that features single-room birthing and facilitates over 1,800 births per year, a 46-bed medical/surgical unit, a 4-bed intensive care unit. Surgical services include a 7-suite surgical center for inpatient, outpatient and endoscopic procedures. Alta View Hospital has a 24-room emergency department.

Hostage incident

The Alta View Hospital hostage incident began the night of September 20, 1991, when Richard Worthington, armed with a shotgun, a handgun and sticks of dynamite arrived at Alta View Hospital in an attempt to kill Dr. Glade Curtis who had performed a tubal ligation on his wife. Worthington held the hostages for eighteen hours. He was talked into surrendering and releasing the remaining hostages by Sergeant Don Bell and Detective Jill Candland of the Salt Lake City police department. A nurse was killed by Worthington in the incident.