Alpine skiing at the 1956 Winter Olympics – Men's slalom

The men's slalom at the 1956 Winter Olympics was held on the Col Druscié run on Tuesday, 31 January. The course length was with a vertical drop of ; the first run had 79 gates and the second had 92 gates. Fifty-seven athletes finished both runs and 23 were disqualified during the first run, and eight during the second. Twenty-nine countries were represented and Toni Sailer of Austria won the second of his three gold medals at these Games. Chiharu Igaya won the silver and Stig Sollander of Sweden took the bronze.
U.S. head coach Robert Sheehan filed a protest that Igaya straddled a gate on the second run, a five-second penalty at the time. Although backed up by the Swedish coach, an infraction was not called and after hours of deliberation, Igaya was awarded the silver medal.


* 5 seconds penalty added.
** 10 seconds penalty added.