Alopecia in animals

is a disease which can affect other animals besides humans. Development of alopecia in animals is usually the sign of an underlying disease. Some animals may be genetically predisposed to hair loss, while in some it may be caused by hypersensitivity or nutritional factors.
Canine pinnal alopecia is most common in dachshunds, but others, such as Chihuahuas, Boston terriers, whippets and Italian greyhounds, may also be vulnerable. Certain skin conditions in animals can also cause loss of fur.
Ferret adrenal disease is extremely common and is the most common cause of alopecia in ferrets, typically affecting middle-aged specimens between three and seven years old. Bacterial pyoderma, dermatophytosis, and parasites can also cause the condition. In rabbits, dermatophytosis is a prime cause of alopecia in young, newly weaned specimens. Dermatophytosis as a cause of alopecia is common in cats, too, and in long-haired varieties, dermatophytic pseudomycetomas may be to blame. Alopecia areata has been studied on mice in laboratories. In horses, human contact with the horse and the rubbing of the saddle across the mane can cause patches of hair loss.