Alexander Clutterbuck

Sir Peter Alexander Clutterbuck was a British diplomat who was high commissioner to Canada and India and ambassador to Ireland.

Life and career

Alexander's father, Sir Peter Clutterbuck was an Inspector General of Forests in India and Burma. Peter Alexander Clutterbuck was educated at Malvern College and Pembroke College, Cambridge. During World War I he served in the Coldstream Guards and was awarded the Military Cross and a mention in dispatches. After the war he entered the Civil Service, at first in the Post Office, transferring to the Colonial Office in 1922. He was secretary to the Donoughmore Commission 1927–28 and a member of the UK delegations to the League of Nations General Assembly in 1929, 1930 and 1931. He was secretary to the Newfoundland Royal Commission in 1933. He was High Commissioner to Canada 1946–52 and to India 1952–55. His term in India was cut short by ill health: he was advised not to continue to serve in a tropical climate and was appointed ambassador to the Republic of Ireland 1955–59. Finally he was Permanent Under-Secretary at the Commonwealth Relations Office 1959–61.
Clutterbuck was appointed CMG in the 1943 New Year Honours, knighted KCMG in the New Year Honours of 1946 and raised to GCMG in the Queen's Birthday Honours of 1952.
Lord Garner, Clutterbuck's successor at the Commonwealth Relations Office, wrote: