Aleksandar Zograf

Saša Rakezić is a Serbian cartoonist, author of such works as Life Under Sanctions, Psychonaut, Dream Watcher, and Bulletins from Serbia.
Zograf's work cuts to the heart of life in the former Yugoslavia. In books like Life Under Sanctions and Bulletins from Serbia, he portrays the region's emotional twisting and impossible conditions in a dark yet amusing manner. In his graphic novel Dream Watcher, Zograf describes "hypnagogic visions" — the haunting imagery that emerges in the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep.
Zograf has been active on the international scene since the early 1990s when his work started to appear in American comics anthologies such as Weirdo and Zero Zero, and when Seattle's Fantagraphics Books published a few of his titles. The British publisher Slab-O-Concrete published a number of his books, and works by Zograf have been translated and published into many European magazines, and his solo titles have been issued by publishers L'Association in France, PuntoZero and Black Velvet in Italy, Jochen Enterprises in Germany, Službeni Glasnik and SKCNS in Serbia, VBZ in Croatia, KAPSIMI in Greece, Nyittott Kőnyv in Hungary, and Under Comics in Spain.
In 2017, Zograf has signed the Declaration on the Common Language of the Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks and Montenegrins.