Alejandro Miranda

Alejandro Miranda is a fictional character from TV Azteca's Emperatriz, portrayed by Peruvian actor Bernie Paz.


Alejandro is portrayed by Peruvian actor Bernie Paz.
Other actors rumored to be up for the role include Christian Meier, Saul Lisazo, José Ángel Llamas, and Mauricio Islas.


Alejandro Miranda is a charming lawyer whose marriage to Margarita Del Real ended with her death in an accident. He next meets and falls in love with Emperatriz Jurado, who rejects him. Eight years later, Alejandro returns to Mexico with his fiancée, Isabel Cristina, and encounters Emperatriz. She decides she now wants to be with Alejandro, so she reveals to him that Isabel was previously a prostitute in Switzerland. Isabel fakes a stroke to keep Alejandro and Emperatriz apart, but Emperatriz manages to expose the ruse. Alejandro and Emperatriz are finally reunited. Margarita's father, Justo Del Real, loves Alejandro as a son, but Emperatriz is his worst enemy. Unhappy with their relationship, Justo tries everything to separate them, including helping Isabel and blackmailing Emperatriz to leave Alejandro. Alejandro did not give up. Justo soon sees Alejandro as an enemy and shoots him, leaving Alejandro with memory loss. Justo's granddaughter Esther Mendoza Del Real, who has been in love with Alejandro for years, manipulates and takes advantage of him during his amnesia. Emperatriz finally succeeds in helping Alejandro regain his memory, and Alejandro is disappointed with Esther for her trickery. Esther's sister Elisa Mendoza Del Real tells Emperatriz that Esther is her daughter, prompting Emperatriz to end her relationship with Alejandro to gain Esther's love. While Alejandro tries to get Emperatriz back, his ex-girlfriend, Marlene Martinez joins forces with Manuel Leon, Emperatriz's ex-husband, to keep Alejandro and Emperatriz apart.