Alberto Soggin

Jan Alberto Soggin was a leading Italian biblical scholar.

Early life

Soggin was born on 10 March 1926. He took his first degrees in law at the Sapienza University of Rome and in theology at the Waldensian Theological Seminary in Rome.

Academic career

He became professor for Old Testament, Hebrew, and Greek at the University of Buenos Aires, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and then until his retirement at the Waldensian Theological Seminary and at the Sapienza. Among other things he was a fellow at Princeton Theological Seminary, at St John's College, Cambridge and at the Hebrew University. He lectured widely and published various articles and books. He was a member of the editorial board of Henoch, Vetus Testamentum and of Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft.
In 2007, he was awarded the Burkitt Medal by the British Academy. It is granted 'in recognition of special service to Biblical Studies'.


Soggin died on 27 October 2010.
