Alaungdaw Kathapa Pagoda

The Alaungdaw Kathapa pagoda is a Buddhist pagoda located in Kani Township, Sagaing Region, Myanmar.
According to local lore, the cave at the pagoda holds the preserved remains of Mahākāśyapa, a principal disciple of Gautama Buddha.


The Alaungdaw Kathapa Pagoda is located at the center of the Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park in Kani Township, Sagaing Region.

The pagoda festival

The festival of Alaungdaw Kathapa Pagoda takes place on the full moon days of two consecutive months each year. Several pilgrims make the trip to the pagoda, starting with about 50–100 pilgrims per day in Tabodwe and peaking at around 7000–8000 on the full moon day of Tabaung. Some make the trip perhaps not just to attend the pagoda festival but also to enjoy the scenery of one of Myanmar's main national parks.
