Alain Marleix

Alain Marleix born on January 2, 1946, in Paris is a French politician. He was the Secretary of State for Veterans in the government of François Fillon from June 2007 to March 2008. From 2008 to 2010 he is in charge of the redefinition of Boundary delimitation for the elections to the Assemblée Nationale.
Alain Marleix began his political career as a vice-representative for Georges Pompidou in the Assembléee Nationale, who was then representative for Saint-Flour in the Cantal. Alain Marleix was initially close to Charles Pasqua. During the 1993 presidential election, he supported Edouard Balladur against Jacques Chirac. Since then, he has been supporting Nicolas Sarkozy.
Governmental functions
Electoral mandates
European Parliament
National Assembly of France
Regional Council
General Council
Municipal Council

Political functions