
Al-Mawrid is an Islamic research institute in Lahore, Pakistan founded in 1983 and then re-established in 1991.


The institute was established by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, a well-known Pakistani Islamic scholar, who has been inspired by Amin Ahsan Islahi and Hamiduddin Farahi. The organization describes its existence as a reaction to the problem in current Islamic learning, which focuses on "the foundational principles and the emanating discourses of a particular school of thought as well as the polemics to establish their superiority over those of others."
The institution as a research and educational center aims to facilitate and perpetuate the explanatory and research work on the "true understanding of Islam." One of its main positions articulated by its founder involved persuading the Islamic ministry in Pakistan to address the way mosques in the country are currently run privately where anyone can preach without permission or accountability. Ghamidi maintains that this liberty has been misused by the extremist elements to promote extremism and hatred.


The administration of Al-Mawrid Global is in the hands of its Board of Governors. The administrative system is founded on democratic principles. The President of the institution serves as the academic and intellectual patron, and the Secretary General is entrusted with its administrative affairs. Al-Mawrid Global is a charity registered in Scotland, and the institution accepts contributions from all those who agree with its objectives.
The institution has its worldwide presence through its independent sister concerns.
The institution publishes two monthly journals. These journals carry advertisements from small merchants, but also from larger businesses.
Al-Mawrid is criticized for their progressive stand on various religious issues. Sometimes they are charged with fueling controversial topics, like calling for reform in the infamous Hudood laws. Javed Ghamidi is also falsely referred by some as having involvement in the controversial movie 'Khuda kay liye', which brought the issue of radicalization into the limelight in Pakistan. Local and orthodox scholars often reject this school of thought and their understanding of Islam. Some also refer to them as 'clean shave mullas'.
Ghamidi and Al-Mawrid's stance on Islam led to a conflict with the Taliban, which eventually led to Ghamidi fleeing his country in 2010. Ghamidi's staff was murdered by the extremist group and Al-Mawrid is now being run through a website and its branches located in Australia, Canada, India, United Kingdom, and the United States.