Akiu Great Falls

Akiu Great Falls is a waterfall located in Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. It is a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty. It is one of "Japan’s Top 100 Waterfalls", in a listing published by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment in 1990.


The falls are located on the upper reaches of the Natori River, within the borders of both the Zaō Quasi-National Park and the Futakuchi Kyokoku Prefectural Park. The falls have a height of and width of. According to legend, the falls were discovered by the priest Ennin in the early Heian period, when he was founding the temple of Yama-dera in Dewa Province. In 1825, a small Buddhist chapel dedicated to Fudō Myōō was erected near the base of the falls.