
Akingam is a village in South Kashmir in the Anantnag district, in the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It is at a distance of approximately from the Lal Chowk in Anantnag along a route passing through the tourist resorts of Achabal and Kokernag. In revenue records, the village of Akingam is still called Maqan Shiva Bhagwati. The adjacent villages are Mohripura, Hiller, Badasgam, Hardpora and Badoora.


As of the 2011 Census of India, there were 5,007 people, 2,026 workers and 755 families residing in Akingam. There were 2,579 males and 2,428 females. 17.93% of Akingam's total population, 898 people, were children aged 0–6.
The average sex ratio of Akingam was 941 females to 1,000 males, higher than the state average of Jammu and Kashmir which was 889:1000. The child sex ratio of Akingam was lower than Jammu and Kashmir's average at 848:1000 to 862:1000.
In 2011, the literacy rate of Akingam was 67.41% whereas the literacy rate of Jammu and Kashmir was 67.16%. Akingam's male literacy rate was 76.40% while the female literacy rate was 58.09%.
total no. of houses755--
schedule caste000
schedule tribe339184155
literacy67.41 %76.40 %58.09 %
total workers20261276750
main worker944--
marginal worker1082468614

Basic Facilities

The Govt. Higher Secondary School Akingam is located at a distance of 200 meters from main chowk Akingam, on the foothills of the Himalayan mountain range
The Govt. Primary Health Center Akingam is 20 meters away from main chowk Akingam
Jammu and Kashmir Bank branch is also located in the main chowk of Akingam. Its IFSC code is: JAKA0AKNGAM
Moreover, there is also a post office and veterinary and sheep department offices
Akingam has status of tourist village by jk govt with a well established tourist center. Village Akingam used to have Kashmiri Pandits Bhand performers but they left the village in 1990. The people of Akingam are deeply Sufi and philosophical in outlook.

Sacred Places

Akingam is surrounded by many heritage and sacred sites. Prominent ones include the temple of Goddess Shiva, the patron Goddess of Performing Arts, oldest Jamia Masjid, Biggest Jamia Masjid Sharief Pethgam, Ziyarat Sharief Sata Reshi Sahib and Ziyarat Shareef of the Islamic saint Shah-I-Asrar. It was given the status of tourist village by J&K govt with a well established tourist center. Village Akingam used to have Kashmiri Pandits Bhand performers but they left the village in 1990. The people of Akingam are deeply Sufi and philosophical in outlook.

Shiva Bhagwati Temple

Famous Shrine of Jagad Amba Shri Shiva Bhagwati is situated at 240–250 meters from jammu and kashmir bank, Akingam.
The shrine is located on the foothills of beautiful forest with devdar and vast pastures.
Shiva Bhagwati Asthapan is the oldest sacred place of the area.
