Airemón mac Áedo

Airemón mac Áedo was a Dál Fiatach king of Ulaid, which is now Ulster, Ireland. He was the grandson of Eochaid mac Fiachnai, a previous king of Ulaid. He ruled from 882-886.
In 882 he succeeded his brother Ainbíth mac Áedo as leth-rí of Ulaid jointly with his other brother, Eochocán mac Áedo. However, the next year in 883, Eochocán was killed by his nephews, the sons of Ainbíth, leaving Airemón as sole king. Airemón was himself killed in 886 by the Norseman, Eolóir son of Iergne
His sons included Bécc mac Airemóin, a King of Ulaid and Máel Mórda who was slain at the Battle of Grellach Eilte in 914 fighting in the forces of Niall Glúndub of the northern Ui Neill versus the high king Flann Sinna.