Ahmose called Si-Tayit

Ahmose called Si-Tayit was possibly the first Viceroy of Kush.
It is possible that the position was held by a son of Pharaoh Ahmose I before Ahmose called Si-Tayit was appointed Viceroy, but there is no conclusive evidence for such a Viceroy.
Before Si-Tayit the power in Kush seems to have been in the hands of a dignitary named Hormeni, who was the mayor of Hierakonpolis.
Ahmose called Si-Tayit served as Viceroy under both Ahmose I and Amenhotep I. Early in the reign of Amenhotep I, the position passed from Si-Tayit to his son Ahmose called Turo. The position of Viceroy was not hereditary, and the position did not pass to Turo's son Patjenna.