
Ahiran is a village in Suti I CD Block in Jangipur subdivision of the Murshidabad district of the state of West Bengal, India. It serves as the Headquarters of the Suti I administrative division.


Ahiran is located at . The village situated in the bank of Bhagirathi River.


The population of Ahiran village, as per the 2011 Census by the Government of India, was 17,079 with 8,691 males and 8,388 females.

CD Block HQ

The headquarters of Suti I CD Block are located at Ahiran.

Historical significance

This is a historical village of Murshidabad district. The word Ahiran means "an area of milkmen", where "Ahir" means "milkmen". The gold coins belonging to Gupta period were found at Ahiran during road construction on National Highway 34.


Some of the government offices located in this area are:
The schools situated in the village include the Ahiran Vidyapith, Ahiran Hemangini Vidyaytan School and the Ahiran Schinananda Girl High School.